Sunday, May 30, 2010


明天… special sem 开始了…

假期里.. 除了吃睡看戏以外… 也到爸的店里帮忙… 充实充实自己.. 虽然跟我的药物世界有点不同… 但往往在不同的事情上… 发现一些启示…

说到厨艺… emm… 觉得自己也没有大副的进展… 没有特别的构思替妈妈煮些不一样的…

天底下最美味的…有时真的不是海龙宫里的龙虾… 可能就只是吃到从菜园里採下… 沾有露珠甘味下锅清炒的小菜…


和中学朋友喝茶那天… 发现他们脸上都多了很多笑容… hehee…

偶尔的我… 偶尔发下呆… 空白… 也许也是一件好事… 因为空白能让思维发展… 延续…

简单的事情… 其实就是快乐…


时间的旋律… 好像又把我带到那熟悉的角落…

三个星期… 不知不觉中… 就过了…

或许… 每个角落… 有着不一样的回忆… 不一样的空间… 不一样的体会… 不一样的滋味… 不一样的笑声… 不一样的尝试…

左边的那个角落… 飘逸了我的梦想… 梦想总是披上了彩色的花边, 好像那五彩缤纷的泡泡摇挂天上, 只供仰望…

似乎… 好像… 某某的那个时期… 我与艺术 有了一个缘分… 缘分产生了喜欢… 可是… 我知道… 喜欢和天分… 是两回事…

虽然只是梦想 … 但它带来那一丝的幸福… 在左角落边… 把灵感捕捉… 捕捉那点点瞬间… 点点瞬间的那种灵感…

还在构思中的莲花... 打算在 convo 时送给那班好朋友...

那熟悉的右角落… 蕴藏着理想… 理想就是有目标和行踪… 前方无论既有荆棘和陷阱… 魑魅魍魉 (chi mei wang liang)… 加油…要继续找到理想的明灯… 或许… 当你涉过最坎坷处… 明灯… 可能渐渐地… 出现…

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I was sick.. but the environment was even more sick than me...

I was sick recently..never been suffered from headache for so long the time.. 4days long ady... n yet it still burdened me like a crazy bull... making me mad for my bed... still headache now.. feeling poor... sense of fire burning in my head n body... dry cough.. runny nose..

I the same time...I was sick for the big shaded tree which hd been grown in my hometown- Taman Mambang Diawan for about 50yrs... but it was rather sad to know that the tree hd been cut on few months time ago...

Frankly n truely saying that..I was totally SAD at the moment I reached my hometown... during the time of chinese new yr (2010).. the tree hd been cut.. gone forever... n i gotta no chance to notice it anymore..

Due to the SELFISH reason of safety purpose.. the tree was blamed for obscuring the traffic light that needed to be bulit on the area... We seldom thought of our environment.. izit?? n bcz of that.. the temperature in my hometown ws getting flatuated..

Many people were crowding the clinic nearby my house.. n when I ws in my father's shop.. I found out that for every 10ppl.. there were 5 ppl were sick.. either cough, runny nose, fever or othrs else.. all were blaming for the weather..

Before blaming.. Do we blame ourselves first for cutting down a lot of trees for our own selfish purpose? for many unwanted development? for throwing rubbish indiscriminately? Do we know how important an oldie tree which hd its historical story in maintaining the temperature in my area? maybe no one was interested to bother it.. as it posed no economic value to us..right?? actually.. I knew the story n background...

We seemed like never thought of our beloved environment? So do we hope much for our environment to care for us too?? it was such a selfish thought of always gaining but never giving..

I believe that many area in m'sia were suffering from temperature fluatuation problem..not only my hometown here... Plz.. I sincerely hope that.. We do take care on our environment for that moment you have noticed my post.. plz.. We human have been such poor ady in doing many evilsss for the environment.. sorry if i hd been rude.. but it ws the fact that YOU & I should face now...

Be part of the environment.. believe me.. Once you are there.. you can enjoy the great greenish n notice as well an ANGEL be dancing on the blue pristine sky.. at least.. we throw our rubbish properly.. n picked up rubbish that hd been thrown indiscriminately when u met with it.. you cn survive without air-cond.. n... ... ...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


粉红顽皮豹的好朋友是??? 达浪..达浪..达浪..达浪..达浪..达浪..达浪..

一部看了又笑又哭的偶像剧… 《海派甜心》…

在study week时看到第九集后就停了… 每次看时都是边看边温习…所以就没有感到例外的特别…

前几天,我又从第一集开始欣赏大笑… 原来… 好戏在后头…. emm… 可能是我太过的入戏了… 不懂之前看过这部偶像剧的你… 有没有觉得第11 & 12 集…真的很感动…很感动…

我真的会被感动到这个程度… 感动到哭湿了两包tisu, 而且当时抱着妹妹的粉红肥猪抱枕, 都给我的泪水弄污浊了… Omg… 好对不起哦… 我一定会把它洗干净…

平时睡猪的我… 无论再怎么好看的戏… 我都不可能疯狂去追到凌晨… 《海派甜心》是我第一部追到凌晨四点半的偶像剧… 终于打破了我的记录… 爆了我的睡眠表… 这个凌晨… 糟了… 我发现了我不应该看到的…?? 住在我家后面的邻居… … … … … … 多一事不如少一事… 真的…

如果你还没看过这部海派…不妨download 欣赏一下下… 可爱教主杨丞琳和不可思议的小猪罗志祥… 超man 的学长何言风… 你可看到不一样的彩虹… 在爱情里长大的林达浪.. 命运.. 生活.. 挫折 n etc…… 浪漫中带来的那份感动… 剧情也比较现实… 不像我之前所看过的一些偶像剧-有点太ideal+梦幻了…

第一次听到雨爱这首歌..是一月二日…还记得那时也是在下雨… 第一首让我听到流泪的歌… 后来才发现原来这是海派里其中的一首插曲…

戏里柔道一流的宝珠姐和学长… 让我回想起我放弃了当初我在中二时加入台拳道最终的目标…进入台拳道的我也是因为那件让我哭了三天三夜的事情… 发生在我中一时半年考的前一个星期… " " 在爸的店里被一个顾客误赖我偷了钱包… 事情还严重到差一点就会步进警察局了… 最后…虽然知道那是一场误会… 但我真的没想过误赖别人的人竟还说出比刀还要锋利的话… 一句一句刺破自己的心… 我无法去怪她… 怎么说她是爸的顾客,开门做生意都是以顾客为主的啊… " "

那时..我遇到了那句… “人生最大的礼物就是宽恕”… 或许… 加入台拳道能把自己坚强起来…

之后,我就一直怂恿朋友们参加… 但我却从来没有把这件事情告诉过我的朋友…可惜…中五时…我的脚步就停留在红带第二级… 还有一级就可攀到黑带了… 为什么在大学就放弃了?? 是不够坚强吗?? 是害怕曾经把你摔下三次的教练和那个学长吗??

我好失败吧… 虽然在四年里已到了红带级… 但我只记得我很成功的摔倒一个黑带的学长而已… 是害怕失败吗?? 而放弃了黑带…

当我真要彻底放弃那黑带的念头时… 今天… 我却在报章遇到了它… “我可以接受失败, 但是我不可以接受放弃”…

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A nostalgic town...

The four of us...were somemore adventrous.. we travelled to Malacca without guide.. n without our Malacca's cousemates around.. 5.5.2010.. anyway.. Malacca is a small town.. n we dun worry much for that... a one day one night trip...

Since my last Matric's camp in Danau Dopa, hd been another 3yrs time that I didnt been to the town.. yes... a lot of changes hd gone through for the town in all these time...

The first step I grounded there on that morning.. a feel of NOSTALGIA arising...

The NOSTALGIA just kept on rising..esp after we started to travelling n walking around... the 4 of us... who love food much... hehee.. jz enjoyed searching n craving for all the fomous locality... cendol, nyonya dish, durian puff, 88junker foodstall, newton, n etc... i wont describe them much here, as I hd put them all in my food blog-"".. welcome to visit it if u r interested in food...

Although the day was scorching n sizzling hot.. it was another great experience for us.. walking n sweating profusely to travel around the whole area... the red heritage building, kota belanda, christ's church, British's kapal, Taming Sari tower, Selat Melaka n etc..n Eye of M'sia ws there too...
When I just walking n enjoyed for the peace of the town... the design n state of art of the building there... it really gave me the nostalgia feel... culture of the past... a sense of appreciation of the building... fabulous for the British's ship... n etc...
A historical town with nostalgia- Malacca..
I'm lazy here..jz upload a few of d photo... the rest will be uploaded n tagged by my friends in fb later... as i'm tired now after few days of consecutive activities starting from the moment when our last paper ended... bowling, movie, red box, window shopping, food tasting, n etc...anyway.. was fine n happy for that.. hehee...
Malacca- a town of Nostalgia...
Hahaa..this is the cinema in Mahkota Parade,Malacca.. We hd nothing to do that night n watched IP man 2 in malacca.. unbelievable.. the night time movie cost us only rm6...
The movie was too nice for me... I could sense the SPIRIT in it.. n the msg to be conveyed for us... he was too ideal of a man.. superbly perfect good temper... i jz hope that.. I have a temper of 70% as you.. May I??
~~woww~~ IP man.. we were proud of you...^^

4.5.2010.. We were the MODEL of the day.. hahaa.. just kidding...
Sunway Pyramid...

3.5.2010.. while waiting for the movie, 初恋红豆冰... we went for MV..
the one on my hand was no12...
Happy holidays for those who are enjoying that now..
n not forgetting to give encouragement for those who was still occupied with exams or other works.. all the best for yours..