Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pharmacy Night 2010...

Finally...our annually PharmNite ws ended... It ws such a great grand event that I ever been... Wowww.... All the final yrs seniors hd done a very good good job... As usual, this annual event will be organized by all the final yrs students.. But this yr...the event ws made in such grand n memorable...

Amazing..fantastic..enjoyable..Variety...tasty food... Grand... Fabulous... Seniors.. We were so proud of u all.. Urs dedication...commitment.. hard work... Besides bc for their thesis,exam, asigmen,+++..they all still worked towards the BEST...

This yr..I did involve in the performance part.. 22of us, from 2nd yr..were chosen to become cat walk fashion show models of the night.. It ws one of the performanc of the event.. besides, dancing, drama, gimmicks, song n... Starting from last yr Nov,after sem1 final exam..we began to make our own costume for the show..n we used our holiday times to get it done.. Once U reopened..Dec..We started to practice walking with high heel shoes.. Ohh.. I tot I ws so poor at the very I seldom wear high heel shoes..even to wedding dinner..they never beame the shoes of my choice..plz...So..How cn I walk like the models as seen in movie or actual show model???

We were very grateful to 2final yr seniors..Pei Shan n Wan Ling..Without their coach... 22 of us will never hd such a great success to walk like a star on the pharmnite stage.. with confidence.. graceful pose... elegant gait.. Love both of dear seniors.. Sorry for sometimes when we showed the look of bored, uninterested during practice and even during the rehearsal... maybe we 2nd yr awys burdened with lotsa of continuous tests, assignment n lec..that made us to look dull n we lack of rest.. bt we did appreciate urs coach n dedication to us..

Let described our grp.. Marine..insect... angel n devil.. flora.. weather.. season... It sounded intersting..hehee... We used clothes n unused materials to design for our cloth, probs n etc..

Finally... we were succeed.. succeed in overcoming all the barriers.. Although the day b4 pharmnite we hd 2tests.. bt v did promise to maintain a full heart for the show.. no matter how tired we were..tat day..on 29Jan..morning class n then exam in the evening.. without a single moment of rest..we rushed to the hotel there for rehearsal...tat week..actually we were quite tired ady..2tests n lot of class to attend.. OGTT that pricked for lotsa of blood from ws all over... Sweats n work n all dedication of 22of us..lastly.. We received loud of clap from the audiences... making the whole event to become energetic... the 22of us became even closer n closer after this cat walk show as we shared taste n tears together.. through hard n sweet.. Fine..2nd yr... the theme of our batch.. which awys hold tight in our heart- "Together forever"...

What made me to feel even grateful ws that our seniors manage to get a lot of sponsorship.. from what that I heard ws approximately rm20,000+++... wawww..such huge amount.. I loved the door gift... They were... a medicine dictionary which cost rm100++, that I still saving money to buy n planning to buy on 3rd yr..hehee... It present as a valuable gift to me... My heart ws dancing when I knew it ws this dictionary.. somemore.. food voucher, Centrum supplement tablets, lotion, pen, notebook, magazines, pamplets n etc... how RICH the gift ws.. N wat even made all of us delighted ws tat there were 4grand lucky draw- which ws the tickets to visit China.. We female here felt a bit unlucky tat day..because..all these tickets went to male winner.. 3of them from 1st yr n one from 3rd yr.. bt i jz felt pity for final yr cz they hard to find all these sponsor bt none of them won the overseas ticket..

Maybe this yr I ws involved in performance..couldnt enjoy the whole event much like last before the starting of the event..all modellings were bc made up n hair styling by the studio jemput by our seniors ..seemed like less photos were taken this yr.. bt mayb stil lot hs taken ady..hahaa...

Now..everythings were over.. It gave us another piece of memorable story...

This memorable event that will never die off from my mind.. the piece of worked we contributed for the cat walk fashion show... n only that we presented things with full heart... reality may turn to magic... magic world did exist in our little little heart there...

Muacks... ^_~ All Final yr seniors...

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I ws feeling so so so homesick recently...Homesick..I missed all my family members.....all my cutie gong zai on my bed...I miss u all...

Next week...our pharmnite is coming..on Crown Plaza...N the day before n two day before the pharmnite..I'l be sitting for my CVS Conass1 n SPEGT Conass1 paper... Life become exciting....Ooopppss.... Exam life start be continuous for the following weeks... Bulk of info n drugs need to be memorized... @-@ huu~~~~

My little brain... plz...plz... I love you....

I was homesick...

I knew... It ran thru my heart there again... reside quietly...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life goes on..... is still going on and on...Today,v hv our pharmnite performance rehearsal for UM ICR.. It sounded our coming Pharmnite to be a real grand one as this time UM Chanceellor n Vice Chancellor as well as our faculty's dean are attending for it...Jz found out that it was the first time that Um Chancellor n VC are present for our event...

Yaya... Grand grand pharmnite 2010 is coming soon - on 30 January...

Today, our rehearsal received good comments from ICR.. But v cn improve even further for the best that v can... I hope so... Walk with confidence and less trembling while on the stage...

N today...I jz realized....realized that a continuous "SORRY SORRY Girl........"from SKR there.. They told me it ws their mistake again to pass the credit transfer of titas for me when I did it in my biomed course last 2yrs ago...Although I hd the proven letter from my faculty n the rslt ws ady in my pharmac exam slip for quite a long long long long time ago...jz bcz the difference in code n less 50% pertindihan of both d code GXEX1414 n GXEX1410...I'm asked to take it again...

I jz gave them a smile..A sincere smile..without the feel of angry...I really didnt know that wat type of expression shud i be given for them... Begged for reconsideration of their letter made?? Who am I?? Are they listened to me although from the beginning they really didnt know that the SKET hd approved it too...It was jz a short brief explaination...Bt am i given a chance?? Jz A CHANCE to make everything clear... It seemed like they were always doing right... Rules n regulation are tightly intact without any SENSE sometimes...

I jz faced all these wrongly transferred or their miscoordination with a calm heart... No use to ask again and again... I ws too tired for it ady.... My friends said that I ws too innocent and easily to bully.. But..but...Bt I really shouted for no voice for it... .. I tot it ws my decision.. to be forgiven for them.. Am I right?? I dun kno... I fear tat jz bcz of this titas code might fail me to grad for the nex 2yrs... I am alone to voice with my black n white letter but they are even powerful bcz it ws all the so called "RULES AND REGULATIONs" that make them stand firm n strong...

Anyway...anyway.... "忍一时风平浪静,退一步海阔天空"... My coursemates are attending the same subject too... dun worry... they are there be with u....

Taking a gud rest before start to study later...but I miss... .... .......miss.... again suddenly...

Life goes on.....

Saturday, January 9, 2010


今天....有一股很特别的开心...hehee...我们一家十口到The Garden's 的 Italianies那儿庆祝四喜临门...第一件喜事就当然是我们一家十人今天终于来个团圆饭了..我们这家人哦,我就是妈妈,LZX就是爸爸,因为我们是年纪比其他8个大的,都在88年出生...hahaa..但别误会哦,我们是没有任何的关系的hooo...大姐GLW,二哥CJY和二嫂TMH,三姐FSY,四姐OJJ,五哥LMF,六弟TCH和小妹WSY..以年龄大小排行...除了住UT的我,OJJ,TMH&LMF比较得空,其他六个都住在1st & 2nd colej,都蛮忙的..所以呢,今天无论几忙,大家都一定会来庆祝的...hahaa...好高心哦...


妈妈和大家都很替二哥和二嫂高心...(TMH+CJY)现在还是爱情开始的阶段,彼此还有很长的发展空间,一起创造一段刻骨铭心的爱情故事...妈妈在这儿会默默地祝福你们...就像我今天在Italianies那儿跟大家分享的那个心得..其实我们每个人都有一颗像magnet的心,心与心的吸力,产生了一股很奇妙的感觉...如果你问我人类最伟大的一个organ,那我的答案一定是"heart"... 就是这颗小小的心,日夜都在为我们pump血,在这颗心里,它可能隐藏了许许多多的不满,你的快乐和欢笑,可能是伤口或泪水,但它还是那颗最纯真最善良的角色...

两人相爱,记得要互相体谅,互相尊重和了解..不是时时的折问,而是慰问..互相劝勉而不是指责...真心相爱,坦然面对, 互相信任,一起分享喜怒哀乐...这是妈妈一些小小的心得...三姐结交了新男友也是我们第四件喜事...我们全家上上下下都为你们高兴...Love forever...hehee...

过后我们还在Body glove买了一件红衣...这可是我们family 第一件t-shirt...then..就是去chocolate fair...hahaa...妈妈在那儿吃了不少chocolate...wakakaa...^_~


Muacks...Friendship forever...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Little report... is the 7th of Jan yr 2010...time was really passing and running fast without giving us any excuses to hold it tight and let it stop...U hd reopened for 1weeks ago...n yet my notes hd been piled for 11sets...untouched..being ignored...n I hvnt gone for my favourite movie-Alvin & the chipmunks...luckily..I hd shopped for my CNY clothes ady...

Since last Sunday...Life became busy because I was involved in the cat-walk performance for the coming pharmNite.. The 22 of us in our class who take part... n v hd practiced for 4 days then... Today..the rehearsal held for us in front of Dewan Bidara there... this time... more final yr seniors were there.. Looking for our progression.. But that I found out that jz now during the rehearsal...v were trembling..without any reasons... maybe it was the first time that v walked with all our costume... blinking here n there... pin..flower.. skirt.. big blouses..

Being a model is really not an easy things... I experienced it myself... Walking with the super dupler high heel shoes with confidence and pose.. making my sole to cry for pain... but now is quite getting used to it... I believe that the day after then.. V cn give our best for the performance.. as long as v hv the pumping heart...

Jz feeling a bit of tired after these few days... It was jz the beginning of everything... Be gambateh n rest more whenever there is free time... Time needed to be used wisely... Although it is quite "sao xing" to know that the 2 days before d pharmnite is the beginnig of our exam life again... CoNASS for CVS n SPEGT..followed by AMAN n.... anyway.. gambateh for all of us... I heart n my mind... Gambateh...

Although I still quite miss the keyboard of my younger sis...but CNY is coming soon... later can back home n touch its heart de...hehee... n the "G xuan zhi ge", in the "Autunm Concerto"..hopefully I can play it one day.. It's one of my wishes...

Happy new yr for all my beloved friends...